
Showing posts from January, 2020

FAMILY RELATIONS: Understanding Family Dynamics & Theories

Understanding Family Dynamics & Theories                 Imagine yourself in a circular system and remember who you are and what you are doing affects you and either another family member or the whole family. Sometimes I have felt this way and others might have as well. Your son manifests negative attention because his parents become closer together to try and help you or your family member must set boundaries in order to take care of himself and his family before others. I have personally felt this way for about a month or more. I have discovered that not only do I need to focus on myself, but I need to set boundaries otherwise I will be stuck in what is called a Circular causality.                 This week we have studied different types of theories including the Family Systems Theory. We learn that there are different types of families from completely closed to where they want to remain more private, to fully open there are “no fences, their door is open, etc.”, the oth


Around the world, we can find a variety of marriages and families. Whether the married couple is man/woman, man/man, woman/woman. One other type is co-habit living. As for families we see husband and wife who have their own children, foster, adopt, and stepfamilies. There have been studies, research, data collection, and interviews done around the world within the controversy of how marriage and family are or should be.  One example of this was in 2005, the APA (American Psychological Association) issued an official brief on lesbian and gay parenting. Social science research came out in 2012 with the studies, research, and interviews they did. However, the research had some flaws. There was a gay couple who went to court after getting married in one state where it was legal, but then wanted the state they lived in (California) to recognize their marriage and they were wanting to adopt. The brief done was presented that "Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay


Welcome to my new blog called "My Blended Life". Here I will be able to share about our new blended family established 4-13-19. I will be sharing insights from a Family Relations class I am currently taking as well as our journey as a family.