Fathers and Finances

I will admit it right now I am a daddy’s girl. Watching his example of being a provider and treating my mom with respect and love, I knew that is what I wanted in a husband and father of my children. Throughout my first marriage, the roles were reversed. I was the one working between part and full time to put my ex husband through school. I didn’t see the same in my ex that I saw in my dad. Now, in my current marriage my husband has not only stepped up to be a father figure but helps to provide for our family.
During our class discussion, we talked about how the roles of fathers are being reversed. Where the wife will go out and provide and the husband will stay home. My husband was a stay at home dad in his first marriage, and it worked perfectly for them. However, in the beginning the father would provide while the mother would teach her children at home and nurture them. There was a story read about an author who was raised in a family of 13. She and the other girls would help the mom with canning and other household work, while her dad and brothers would milk the cows, but they all worked together. I love the idea of spending time as a family, and helping each other with hard work, love, and laughter.
Some families, however, don’t have both sets of parents. In American families 36% of children are born without a dad to raise them while 76% of African Americans don’t have a dad to raise them either. In these cases, it is up to the mom to be both sets of parents, which is not easy. Before my divorce, when we first separated, I had to learn to be both which was not easy. Statics shown that kids get into more trouble raised in a single parent household. I have seen firsthand how this affected our family.
I have learned from experience, to tell my husband how much I appreciate him and all his does for our family. Just as us as women want to be acknowledged for what we do, guys need to feel the same. They do much more than provide for the family. They protect, preside, and we should look at them as a son of our Heavenly Father. We are equal partners and should include them in everything.
Due to the Covid-19 virus that broke out, I along with many others have seen how hard this is hitting the economy. We just found out today that my ex husband has been laid off for 2 weeks. I know when the husband is unable to provide, it can be very hard for him to feel as if he is doing enough. Therefore, we work as equals, as one. In different situations, we should work together to pool our resources together financially. My husband and I talk about finances on a regular basis to make sure we both know what our budget is. I work outside the home currently to help put him through school, we do a food delivery service job on the side and have a Pampered Chef business we work together.
Fathers play such an important role in our family and we should always remember to appreciate them for all they do. Going to work, helping with the housework, teaching our children, and being worthy Priesthood holders. They sacrifice so that their family is provided for, just as our Heavenly Father sacrificed and sent his son to earth to help us. I know if we all work together that everything will work out.


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